Mark Litzelman has submitted his record breaking Shiras Moose, taken with a muzzle loader to the Longhunter Society Big Game Record Books.
Taken with his Remington .50 Cal Muzzleloader in Colorado, this moose takes the top spot as the Largest Shiras Moose taken with a Muzzleloader.
The moose has a total score of 196.06, the previous record being 189.02. It’s Greatest Spread is 53.04, Length of Palm comes in at 42.05 on the right, and 39.01 on the left. The antlers feature 13 normal points on the right, and 12 on the left.
Congratulations to Mark for this record breaking Moose!
Mark Litzelman has submitted his record breaking Shiras Moose, taken with a muzzle loader to the Longhunter Society Big Game Record Books.
Did you know Montana is the ONLY state in the union that doesn't have a dedicated muzzle loader season?
We just got off the phone with Caleb Hinkle, a state representative from Montana who is sponsoring a bill to bring a muzzle loader exclusive season to hunters in Montana.
Our very own Dave Ehrig is back with the crew from Out in the Open TV to talk about flintlock hunting in the great state of Pennsylvania!
Seth Wallace has submitted the new #2 Typical American Elk, with a score of 401.07.
RECORD UPDATE: We're happy to share an update to the Longhunter Society Record Books this wee
Shared from Blackhorn209.com, this information is intended to provide reference for muzzleloading hunters looking to use Blackhorn 209 as their muzzleloading substitute for hunting season. Click here to open the document in a new window.
The first annual muzzleloading moose hunt and Rendezvous in Lake of the Woods, Ontario, Canada was held amidst the vibrant October color of 1989. Based out of the small village of Sioux Narrows, Ontario and organized by Dean Crist, this was a new adventure for most of the participants.
Jim Baichtal packs his bags and his Hawken and heads west to hunt Sitka Deer in this trip into the Muzzle Blasts Archives.
Four a.m. comes early wherever you are. Early morning is just as dark in the Colorado Flat Top mountain range as it is in Coshocton, Ohio. The hunt prep routine is different. Instead of hopping into a pickup, then onto an ATV, my partner and I were saddling our horses and loading the equipment we prepared yesterday afternoon. It would be an hour ride to the jump-off point for our morning elk hunt.
This week we're joined by Jordan Walsh of "Best of the West, The Rifleman". At just 26 years old, host Jordan Walsh enters his fifth season of outdoor television production.