This month we officially kick off the 2021 Gunmaker’s Hall Giveaway. Every year Gunmaker’s Hall sells tickets for a drawing to raise money for Gunmaker’s Hall and the NMLRA. The drawing includes the Incentive Gun, this is a handmade flintlock long arm typically crafted by a new up and coming gunmaker. Building this gun gives an opportunity for a new gun maker, of any age, to display their work. The Main Prize for the drawing is a flintlock long arm created by an established master gunmaker.
For many of us, winning one of these guns may be the only chance we ever get to own a gun made by one of today’s premiergunmakers. Other prizes include hand crafted shooting bags, horn work, shooting boxes, homemade quilts, Americana, and much more, all hand made by premier long rifle culture artisans and NMLRA members. This year Dick Miller made both the Incentive Gun and the main prize rifle.
Dick is an NMLRA Hall of Fame member and former Chairman of Gunmaker’s Hall. Due to things being in somewhat of disarray last year, Dick offered to help by building both of the guns. Dick’s work is some of the finest being done today and we are fortunate to have these two guns as giveaway prizes. Dick just recently finished his 200th muzzle loader build. He told me hehasn’t retired from building guns yet, but these two muzzle loaders may be some of his last work. Did I mention that you need to buy some tickets? Either one of these guns will be a treasured family heirloom for the winner. The amazing thing is you can win either one of these fine rifles, by just purchasing some tickets for the Gunmaker’s Hall giveaway.
Here’s what Dick had to say about the rifles.
“The Main Prize Rifle: The barrel is a 38-inch, .40 cali- ber Rice lightweight swamped barrel that was rifled by Bill Hoover at Friendship with a gain twist. The lock is the Jim Chambers "Late Ketland" style flint that has been artistically modified and polished completely inside and out. The stock is fancy hard maple. The rifle is equipped with double set triggers, donated by Tim Tressel of the R.E. Davis Company. The butt plate and trigger guard were donated by Pecatonica River Long Rifle Supply. The style of the rifle is a contemporary version of a Lancaster style with extensive carving in all the usual places. There is a neat wood patchbox. There is extensive and tasteful engraving done by Dennis Priddy. This rifle is designed to fit woman or young shooters, but is also very comfortable in the hands of most men. The weight is about 6 pounds.

The "Incentive Rifle" is an iron mounted Southern rifle with contemporary styling. All the fittings were made from wrought iron. The side plate is fashioned from Damascus steel to give it a bit of flair. The stock is fancy hard maple. There are moldings carved along the lower butt, the ramrod groove, and around the lock and side plate areas. The .45 barrel was hand made by John Kleihege from bar stock. It was then ri- fled by Bill Hoover at Friendship with a gain twist. This barrel has a very slight choke at the muzzle, improving accuracy. The lock is the Jim Chambers Late Ketland flint with artistic modifications. The triggers were donated by Tim Tressel of the R.E. Davis Company.
Both these rifles have been sighted in and shoot accurately.”
Dick Miller
Again, this is a once in a lifetime chance to win a Longrifle made by one of the masters of the gunmaker’s art, none