NMLRA Charter Clubs by State - March 2021 Update — The NMLRA

NMLRA Charter Clubs by State - March 2021 Update


Alaska State Muzzleloading Association

Keith Bayha, 29792 W. Glenn Hwy., Sutton, AK 99674, 907-746-6662, nohorn@gci.net, www. aksmla.org

McKinley Mountainmen ML Rifle Club

Rifle Shoots 3rd Saturday monthly, Pistol Shoots 2nd Tuesday monthly, Keith Mathis, PO Box 298534, Wasilla, AK 99629, 907-232-6052, keith.mathis@hotmail.com 



Arizona Cactus Cappers

Shoots 3rd Sunday monthly, David Cuddeby, 4202 W. Nicolet, Phoenix, AZ 85051, 623-937-5916, dcuddeby@msn.com

Arizona Muzzle Loading Association

Shoots 2nd and 4th Sundays monthly, Tom Hoverson 3210 N. Comanche Dr. Chandler, AZ 85224, Tom1757@aol.com

Bouse Hills Muzzle Loaders 

Shoots 1st and 3rd Saturdays monthly Oct. through April, Libby Sparks, 2005 N. 200th Ave., Buckeye, AZ.85396, 623-853-9194, libbyandphil@msn.com 

Montezuma Muzzle Loaders

Shoots 2nd Saturday monthly, John Canatsey, 26 Longview Loop, Elgin, AZ 85611; 520-455-4741, lanacan@powerc.net  

Muzzle Stuffers

Shoots 2nd and 4th  Sunday monthly is Rifle and 4th Sunday is Pistol and Black Powder Cartridge, Mary Schaffer, 11433 E. Caballero St., Mesa, AZ 85207, 602-617-8170 

Original Williams Buckskinners

Shoots 3rd Sunday monthly, Albert “Ace” Emanuel, PO Box 1102, Ash Fork, AZ 86320, 928-310-7833, lazyaceaz@aol.com 

Powder Horn Clan

Various shoots – call for info., Mike Roby, 9500 E Catalina Dr. Prescott Valley, AZ 86314, 970-433-1956, michael.roby@hotmail.com 

The Old Pueblo Muzzleloaders

Shoots 3rd Sunday monthly in Tucson, Chris Carr, cjcarr46@comcast.net, 520-395-0836.

Yuma Territorial Long Rifles

Shoot 1st and 3rd Saturday monthly September through May, James Ingram, 3435 E Sombra Lane, Yuma, AZ 85365, 928-580-9888 


Arkansas Muzzle Loading Association

Angie Reynolds, 479-747-3096, 


Foot Hills Muzzle Loaders

Shoots 2nd Sunday monthly, Ron Covey, 126 Ramsgate Road, Lakeview, AR 72642, 870-431-8021 

Luther’s Long Hunters

Zoe Caywood, 479-236-4086, zcaywood@gmail.com


Apple Valley Gun Club

Shoots 4th Friday monthly
Matthew Marcellus, Victorville, CA, 760-954-3346, mattdabull2000@yahoo.com

Bakersfield Muzzle Loaders

Shoots 3rd Sunday monthly
Evelyn Berry, 37111 Torres Ave., Barstow, CA 92311, 760-256-2778; jeb2rvers@aol.com

Big Horn Mountainmen

Shoots first Sunday monthly

Gregg Kimball, 1917 N. O’Malley Way, Upland, CA 91784, 909-985-8698, secretary@bighornmountainmen.com 

Burbank Muzzle Loaders Inc. 

Shoots second Sunday monthly, Fifth Sunday trail walks, John Clevenger, PO Box 1433, Frazier Park, CA 93225, 661-204-5448, burbankmlrpc@aol.com, burbankmuzzleloaders.com

California St. Muzzleloading 

Rifle Association

Michael Bush, 3216 Smithlee Dr., Sacramento, CA 95827, 916-362-1469, meanmike8665@aol.com 

Escondido Fish & Game Assoc.

Shoots 4th Sunday monthly, Geoff Orchin, PO Box 460506, Escondido, CA 92026, 760-741-3721; gorchin@escondidofishandgame.com-

Kit Carson Mountain Men

PO Box 602 Jackson, CA 95642, Aubrey Campbell 916-595-3454, antiquesnoldstuff@att.net, kitcarsonmountainmen.org, Facebook – Kit Carson Mountain Men

Laguna Mountain Shooting Club

Second weekend of each month, Boulder Creek Primitive Camp 13463 Boulder Creek Road Descanso, CA 91916, Overnight camping Friday and Saturday, portable water available on site RV ok. Rick Emms, 858-748-3209, 13443 Acton Ave. Poway, CA 92064

Mountain Ranch Muzzle Loaders

Shoots 1st & 3rd Sundays monthly, 

Rendezvous – 4th Weekend in April, 2nd Weekend in October; Eileen DeMaggio, 29 W Dunmar, Stockton, CA 95207, vedemaggio@ahoo.com, 209-474-0193 

Sac Valley Muzzleloaders

Shoots 2nd Sunday monthly, Michael Bush, 3216 Smithlee Dr., Sacramento, CA 95827, 916-362-1469, meanmike8665@aol.com, 

Santa Cruz Muzzleloaders

Pistol Shoots 1st Saturday monthly; Rifle Shoots 3rd Saturday monthly, Sherry Pennell, P.O. Box 226, Aromas, CA, 95004, 831-726-3803, scmlldy@gmail.com, santacruzmuzzleloaders.org 

Smokey Valley Muzzle Loaders

Shoots 4th Sunday monthly
Tim Dacumos, 1623 Washington Ave., Pomona, CA 91767, 909-620-8838 

Solano Muzzle Loaders Association

Shoots 1st Sunday and 3rd Saturday monthly

Kathy Mitchell, 820 Pochard Way, Suisun City, CA 94585 

Sonoma Valley Muzzle Loaders 

Shoots 1st Sunday monthly, Spring Rendezvous 3rd weekend of April, Fall Rendezvous last full weekend in October. 


South Bay Rod & Gun Club

Shoots 1st Sunday monthly is Rifle; Dave Boyle, 1020 Marron Valley Rd, Dulzura, CA 91017, 619-477-7187, jfrazierdboyle@earthlink.net

Smokey Valley Muzzle Loaders

Shoots 4th Sunday monthly; Tim Dacumos, 1623 Washington Ave., Pomona, CA 91767-3361, 909-620-8838 

Western States Muzzle Loaders Assoc.

klaverty@astound.net; wsmla.org

West Victor Valley Shooting Club

Shoots 2nd Saturday each month
Linda Lee Chevalier, 21229 Balsa Street, Apple Valley, CA 92308, 760-247-3951, jlloveo2@verizon.net

Yolo Frontloaders

Shoots 3rd Sunday of month
Rick Bello 6699 Midway Rd. Dixon, California 95620, 707-693-6914, r.bello@sbcglobal.net


Buckhorn Skinners

Shoots 3rd Sunday monthly except February and June, Scott Drake #1 Marmac Dr, Loveland, CO 80538. 970-663-2374


Colorado State Muzzle Loading Association

Joy Hicks, 4820 Montebello Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80918, 719-598-5715, info@csmla.net, www.csmla.net

Colorado Springs Muzzle Loaders

Shoots 1st Sunday monthly, Ted Beaupre, 941 Daffodil St., Fountain, CO 80817, 719-329-8126, tedbeaup@gmail.com 

Fort Lupton Muzzle Loading Club

2nd Saturday paper shoot, 3rd Saturday fun shoot, 4th Saturday bench shoot monthly, Al Seely 970-580-4727


Putnam Fish and Game

Shoot dates to be determined,John Haefele 110 Stone Bridge Rd. Woodstock, CT 06281, ct42ndman@gmail.com, putnamfishandgame.org


Brandywine Muzzleloading Long Rifles Club

Second Saturday of each month, David Van Hook, 366 Wallace Dr., Newark, DE 19711, 302-731-7727, masterdvanhoo@comcast.net, brandywinelongrifles.weebly.com

Nanticoke Sportmens Club

Shoots 1st and 3rd Saturday monthly, 22336 Bridgeville Highway, Seaford, DE 19973, 302-628-9382, shootnsc.org


Calusa Country Long Rifles

Shoot 1st and 3rd Saturdays each month, Donald Richards, 1813 Cape Palos Dr., Melbourne, FL 32935, 321-794-7267, drichards2@cfl.rr.com 

Central Florida Muzzleloaders

Shoots the 3rd Sunday each month except December and January, starts at 8:00am
Ben Bateman, 407-451-9411, 2bateman@bellsouth.net

Escambia River Gun Club

First Saturday each month at 9am, David Halupowski, 850-678-4052, 303mk4@gmail.com, escambiarivergunclub.org, 4020 Rocky Branch Rd, Cantonment, FL 32533

Eustis Gun Club

Shoots monthly 1st Sunday except July, Terry L. McCauslin, 10100 Morningside Dr., Leesburg, FL 34788, 352-308-9876 

Florida Frontiersmen, Inc.

Shoots 1st Sat. preceding the 1st Sunday of every month. Bev McIntyre PO Box 653, Homeland, FL 33847; secretary@floridafrontiersman.org. 

Florida Muzzleloaders Association

Check the FMA website for monthly shoots across Florida Bob Samson 407-492-0417, bob@lostpine.com, floridamuzzlesloadersassociation.org.

Fort White Gun Club, Inc.

Shoots 1st Saturday monthly
Kenneth W. Long, 1880 S State Route 47, High Springs, FL 32655, 352-318-0386, cherokeefirehawk@yahoo.com

Jefferson Longrifles, Inc.

Shoots 2nd Sunday monthly
Duane Ashe, P.O. Box 21348, Tallahassee, FL 32316, 850-570-1464, duaneashe@windstream.net, www.jeffersonlongrifles.com

Mosquito Lagoon Muzzleloaders 4-H Club
Shoots 2nd and 4th Wednesdays monthly; call for info on Saturday shoots
Gus A Koerner, 1665 Saratoga Dr., Titusville, FL 32796, 321-591-6831

Palmetto Muzzle Loaders

Shoots 2nd Sunday monthly
Ralph West, 19500 SW 214 St., Miami, FL 33187, 305-233-5512

Tallahassee Rifle and Pistol Club

Shoots 3rd Sunday monthly

Ron Gablehouse, 2510 Chamberlin Dr, Tallahassee, FL 32308; 850-591-1577
Treasure Coast Muzzleloaders

1st and 3rd Saturday after 1st Wednesday of each month, Wayne Garber 772-342-0474

Treaty Oak Long Rifles

Shoots 2nd Saturday monthly 

John Brueggemann, 5531 James C Johnson Rd., Jacksonville, FL 32218,  


Blue Ridge Mountain Men

Shoots 3rd Saturday monthly
Dan Pressley, 52 Vanmar Dr., Toccoa, GA 30577, 706-827-9946, dpressley@windstream.net.

Brushy Creek Muzzleloaders

Shoots 4th Sunday monthly
Rob Dods, 703 Gornto Rd Valdosta, GA 31602, 229-300-7032

Griffin Long Rifles

Shoots 1st Sunday monthly January through September Billy Townsend, 3400 Fawn Trail, Marietta, GA 30060, 770-977-0766, townsm@bellsouth.net, www.thegriffingunclub.org 

Muscogee Long Rifles

Shoots 2nd weekend monthly
H. B. Aderhold, 1875 Holland Rd., Cataula, GA 31804, 706-570-6796, hb.aderhold@yahoo.com, muscogeelongrifles.com 

Talking Rock Black Powder Shooters

Shoot dates 4th Saturday monthly Feb-Nov start at 10am.  John White 770-591-0368, jdw276@comcast.net, http://www.pcsc.us/


EE DA How Long Rifles, Inc.

Shoots 4th Sat. monthly - B.P.S.Silhouette Matches; Ken Durham 208-869-4692

muzzleloader matches call for dates, no matches in August or September, December caries per Christmas; Arnold K. Burr, 1885 E. Franklin Rd., Meridian, ID 83642, 208-870-0551 


Bonfield Muzzle Loaders

Shoots 1st Sunday March-December start time 8 am at IL State Rifle Assoc. Bonfield Range, Tom Spurlock, League President, 815-557-3942, tom.spurlock@outlook.com.

Buffalo Trace Muzzleloaders

Shoots 4th full weekend monthly except November and December, Tony Schmidt, 128 East Vine St., Olney, IL 62450, 618-843-8079 

Chaplin Creek Muzzle Loaders

Shoots 3rd Sunday monthly March-Nov. except June which is 4th Sunday
Alan Kleinstiver, 119 E Alden Pl., DeKalb, IL 60115, 630-664-6757, mrahk@comcast.net

Ft. Dearborn Frontiersmen Div. Aurora Sportsmen’s Club

Shoots 3rd Saturday monthly April through October, Ken Drogemuller, 3622 Fairview Ave., Downers Grove, IL 60515, 630-969-6849

Fort LaMotte Rangers

Shoots 3rd Sun. monthly except winter months, Greg Parrott, 9172 E. 700th Ave., Robinson, IL 62454, 618-544-4488

Goshen Trail Longrifles

Shoots 2nd Sunday monthly except in May which is 1st Sunday; Kevin Settle, 4225 Fox Creek Rd., Mt. Vernon, IL 62864, 618-242-7931, k-settle@hotmail.com 

Joliet Muzzle Loaders

Shoots 2nd Sunday monthly, Fall Rendezvous – Last Weekend in October, Mike Priesbe, 314 Arrowhead Div., Shorewood, IL 60404-9663, 815-729-0568, priesbe@yahoo.com 

Leroy Rifle & Pistol Clubs

Shoots 1pm 1st Sunday each month May through October 

Okaw Valley Muzzle Loaders

Shoots 1st Sunday monthly April through November, Linda Miller, 662 N 1200 East Rd., Tower Hill, IL 62571, 217-783-2409, lindapm@pwr-net.coop 

Piasa Black Powder Burners

Shoots 3rd Sunday monthly, Chris Ruckman, 3212 Denton Lane, St. Charles, MO 63301, 618-363-9839, redsnapper15@ hotmail.com 

Prairieland Frontiersmen, Inc.

Shoot 2nd Sun. monthly except May, Steven Wood, 200 W. Harrison St., Sullivan, IL 61951, skwoodmay@gmail.com, www.frontiernet.net/‘kkard1988, 217-728-7369 

Rock Run Long Rifles, Inc.

For more information contact Paul or Sandi Swanson at 815-624-6725. 

Tawaskote Longrifles

Shoots 3rd Sunday monthly, Terry Wilson, 848 Champaign St, Bement, IL 61813, 217-841-4425, tlw.1775@gmail.com


Blue River Longrifles, Inc.

Shoots 4th Sunday monthly April through October, Stillboard Shotgun shoot 1st and 3rd Sunday monthly September through May
James Cinkoske, 148 W 300 S, Greenfield, IN 46140, cinkoskej@aol.com, 317-462-5858, Facebook-Blue River Longrifles, Inc

Buck Creek Muzzle Loaders

Shoots 2nd Saturday monthly, Stephen Fields, 920 S. Palmer Ave., Bloomington, IN 47401, 812-327-7599

Conner Long Rifles

Shoots 1st Sunday monthly
Michael Bird, 7275 E 108th St, Fishers, IN 46038, 317-902-3710; mike.bird54@yahoo.com, www.connerrifles.freeservers.com

Fall Creek Valley Conservation Club

Shoots 3rd Sunday monthly rain or shine; Frederick Peterson, 13450 W. St. Rd. 32, Yorktown, IN 47396, 765-378-5944, fpeterson1345 @comcast.net, fcvcc.org 

Fish Creek Longrifles

Shoots 1st Saturday monthly
Bill Wright, 9395 Hwy 3, Commiskey, IN 47227, 812-343-1512

Fort Tassinong Muzzleloaders

Shoots 2nd Sunday monthly, Terry Ireland  815-791-1604, tireland1@yahoo.com, https://www.facebook.com/tassinong/

Mahawa Sipiwi Muzzleloaders

Shoots monthly, Dee Lueckert, 2102 Yosemite Dr., Lebanon, IN 46052, 765-482-4227 

Morgan County Longifles

Shoots 2nd Sunday monthly, Dennis Morgan, 9495 N. Moon Rd., Gosport, IN 47433, 812-876-1750, moonvalley1750@gmail.com

Patoka Valley Longrifles

Shoots 4th Saturday monthly; April and October are rendezvous; Thomas Mosley, PO Box 22, Oakland City, IN 47660, 812-677-2318, pvlr.info@gmail.com, Facebook-Patoka Valley Long Rifles. 

Pequannah Muzzle Loaders

Shoots 1st Saturday monthly except on holidays; Max Muhlenkamp, 3904 East 700 South, Portland, IN 47371, 260-335-2897 pequannah.m.l.sec@gmail.com

Pokagon Longrifles Inc.

Shoots 3rd weekend March through October
Tim Frederick, 502 South St #23, Dupont, OH 45837, 260-316-0169, tfrederick69@hotmail.com, On Facebook

Sand Dune Long Rifles of MI City Rifle Club

Shoots 1st Sunday monthly
David Kurth, 2954 N. Horseshoe Bend, LaPorte, IN 46350, 219-363-1310, Dakurth1@aol.com

Stone’s Trace Regulators

Alan Lucht, P.O. Box 422, Cromwell, IN 46725, 574-527-1060; ajlucht68@yahoo.com; www.stonestraceregulators.com

Thunder Creek Long Rifles

Shoots 1st Sunday monthly, Darylee Foertsch, 812-785-6166, thundercreek1972@gmail.com, Facebook: Thunder Creek Long Rifles

Tri County Coonhunter’s M.L.

Shoot dates for 2021 March 6 Table & OTL, March 7 Offhand, May 1 Table & OTL, May 2 Offhand, June 6 Offhand, July 4 Offhand, July 31 Table & OTL, Aug. 1 Offhand, Sept. 4 Table & OTL, Sept 5 Offhand, Oct. 3 Offhand, Nov. 7 Offhand Meat Shoot, Dec. 5 Offhand Blanket Shoot.  Shoots start at 10am, registration starts at 9am, Table & OTL practice at 9:30am.

Nick Doll 812-934-5723 (H) 812-216-9076 (C)

Twin Rivers Muzzleloaders

Shoots 3rd Saturday monthly March to October, Dave Hood, 904 Davis Rd., Logansport, IN 46947, 574-722-2326, woodrowwalker 4570@yahoo.com

Valley of the Eagle Long Rifles

Shoots 1st Sunday monthly at 1pm except on Holiday weekends, shoots will be 2nd Sunday, Gale Garner, 9757 E. State Rd., 66, Rome, IN 47574, 812-836-2847, garner@psci.net 

Wahpanipe Muzzle Loading Club

2021 Shoots March 13 (Hog Shoot), April 3-4 (OTL & Table), June 26-27 (OTL & Table), July 24-25 (IN State OTL & Table), Aug. 21 (Table), Oct. 2 (Turkey Table) OTL practice 9:30am shoot 10am, Table shoot opens 8:30am.  Located at Allen Coon’s farm, 4091 S 800 E Glenwood, IN 46133.  For more info contact awcoon@yahoo.com 765-679-5408 or 765-561-4392, p.r.warner@hotmail.com 765-561-3305, louandlair@gmail.com 765-561-5196         

Wetzel Trace Long Rifles

Shoots 3rd Sunday monthly, Gary Leeper, 3994 E. St Rd 252, Franklin, IN 46131, 317-736-6797, wetzeltrace@yahoo.com-

Wildcat Valley Muzzle Loading Club

Shoots 3rd Saturday monthly March - October Dave Hood, 904 Davis Rd., Logansport, IN 46947, 574-722-2326, woodrowwalker4570 @yahoo.com


Beaver Creek Plainsmen, Inc. 

Shoots last Sunday of month April – November; Norma Holcomb, 4216 E. Douglas Ave., Des Moines, IA 50317, 515-262-4712, norma.holcomb@q.com 

Iowa Black Powder Federation

Norma Holcomb, 4216 E. Douglas Ave., Des Moines, IA 50317, 515-262-4712, norma.holcomb@q.com, www.iowablack powderfederation.net 

Raccoon Valley Muzzleloaders

Shoots March 27 (Flintlock Frolick), June 25-27 (Summer Shoot & Rendezvous), September 17-19 (Fall Shoot), Oct. 2, 2021 (Table Shoot) Rick McCollom 515-357-6632, jemrem1106@netins.net


First Santa Fe Trail Plainsman 

Muzzleoading Club

Club meets every 3rd Sunday and the Saturday before each month except January. Rendezvous March and October. For more information contact Jami Mott 620-528-3502 or mott@satelephone.com

Jedediah Smith Muzzleloading Gun Club

Shoots 3rd Sunday monthly February through November except July and August. Merrill Powers, 11319 131 Rd., Spearville, KS 67876, 620-385-2224, fcsbmerl@ucom.net


Boone’s Trace Muzzleloaders

Shoots 1st Sat. of every odd numbered month. Starts at 10am, lunch available Charlie Chalk 205 Smokie Dr Jackson, KY 41339, 606-216-8002, boonestraceml@gmail.com

Bryan Station Muzzle Loaders

Shoots 4th Sunday monthly, woodswalk shoot 5th Sunday monthly when applicable Jeanette Hillard, 171 Lake Village Dr., Harrodsburg, KY 40330, 859-748-0499, jhillard50@aol.com 

Buck Snort Longhunters

Shoots 2nd Sunday monthly
Mike Martin, 64 Casey Ln Elizabethtown, KY 42701, 270-737-3849, longhunter01@windstream.net 

Kentucky Corps of Longriflemen

Annual Interstate Flintlock Shoot at Fort Boonesborough, 1st Saturday in October.  Check www.kyclr.com for other Corps shoots across Kentucky.  Ron Winfield, 859-272-1346, delghue@yahoo.com

Kentucky Long Rifles, Inc.

Shoots 3rd Sunday monthly, Dennis Winburn, PO Box 691, Morehead, KY 40351, 606-784-8083; dwinburn40351@ yahoo.com 

Little Mount Muzzleloaders, Inc.

Shoots 2nd Sunday monthly except for Memorial Shoot which is held last Saturday in March, Ken Lutes, 1849 Flanagan Station Rd., Winchester, KY 40391, 859-771-4304, 1849ken @gmail.com

Magoffin Co. Muzzleloaders

Tanner Stephens, 2187 Royalton Rd., Salyersville, KY 41465, tanner1189@hotmail.com

Salt River Long Rifles

Shoots 1st Sunday monthly, Woodswalk and Blackpowder Clay Target Shoots alternate 5th Sunday monthly. Carl L. King, P.O. Box 114, Harrodsburg, KY 40330, 859-509-5027, flintlock54@zoomtown.com 

Wilderness Rangers of Kentucky

Shoots 4th Sunday monthly, Alan C. Snyder, 5123 Magdalen Square, Louisville, KY 40241, 502-339-8605, alan72boavista@gmail.com


Bayou Muzzleloaders, Inc.

Shoots 3rd Saturday monthly at the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Gun Range in Woodworth, LA. Mark Lachney 318-451-8091, bentsight@aol.com


Acadia Frontiersmen

Various rendezvous – call for info., Beth Sundberg, P.O. Box 1256, Southwest Harbor, ME 04679, 207-244-9601, bethshininghair @gmail.com, FaceBook – Acadia Frontiersmen of Maine

Ancient Ones of Maine

Monthly “geezer” shoots TBA, 

Ray Hamilton, 207-897-5058, smokefromthewoods@hotmail.com, http://theancientonesofmaine.com/index.html

Penobscot Long Rifles

No shoots schedule at this time, 

Wade Moffett wbmoffett@yahoo.com

York County Powder Burners

Shoots monthly beginning in May, Michael Davis, 103 Staples Rd., Limington, ME 04049, 207-637-2603; 103staples@gmail.com


Marriottsville Muzzleloaders

Timothy Frank, 106 Hershey Circle, Stewartstown, PA 17363, 717-993-2077, secretary@mmlblackpowder.com, mmlblackpowder.com 


Westfield Sportsman’s Club

Various Shoots – Call for info. Francis T. Mitchell, 101 Montgomery St., Westfield, MA 01085, 413-568-5012, westfieldsportsmanclub.com 


Blue Water Sportsman Assoc

Shoots – Winter League Jan. – April; Summer League – May – August; Last Blast Woodswalk December 31. Ron Provost, 123 Bell Marine City, MI 48039, 810-326-0285, bpron60@comcast.net, bluewatersportsmans association.com

Clinton River Muzzle Loaders (Detroit Sportsmens Congress) 

Woodswalk Shoots Second Sunday of most months Feb-Dec, Larry Mullen, 49800 Dequindre Rd Shelby Twp, MI 48317, 586-731-6088, claudia.larry8525@yahoo.com www.d-s-c.org

Columbiaville Sportsman’s Club

John R. Wahlers, 10486 N. Irish Rd. Otisville, MI. 48463, 810-223-3956, www.columbia sportsmansclub.org 

Friends of the Old Northwest

PO Box 78 Nashville, MI 49073 Hank Felder 517-852-9252, knives2@gmail.com

Grand Valley Cap n Ballers

Shoot 1st Sunday monthly. Jeffrey Terrell, 3539 Toronto Trail, Wayland, MI. 49348, www.gvcnb.org 

Lapeer Firelocks Muzzle Loading Club

Dallas Shuck, 10145 N. Elms Rd, Montrose, MI 48457, 810-422-7993, dshuck41@hotmail.com.

Lansing Muzzle Loading Gun Club

Club meetings 2nd Sunday each month, Winter Woods Walk, January 4th 2018; Larry Paterson, 15369 Chandler, Bath MI. 48808, 517-719-3541, lansingmuzzleloadinggunclub.com

Manistee Clan Muzzle Loaders Club

Shoots 1st and 3rd Sundays monthly March-September, Henry Rozmarek 231-723-7475, hrozmarek@gmail.com, www.manisteemuzzleloaders.org

Michigan State Muzzle Loading Association

Ron Fernwalt (Shotgun) 16808 Peach Ridge, Kent City MI 49330, 616-836-5760: rbfern@triton.net. Diane McGregor (Rifle), 4344 Old Baker Rd, Bridgeport, MI 48722, 989-746-0723; tigerandtwodogs@yahoo.com

New Ocea Free Trappers

Shoots 2nd Sunday monthly, Brenda Ingalls, 4929 S. 148th Ave., Hesperia, MI 49421, 231-578-9688, Polaris_hotrod@hotmail.com 

Pine River Longriflemen, Inc.

Shoots 3rd Sunday of each month. 

Spencer Korson 940 N 8 Mile Rd Midland, MI 48640, 989-600-0644, sjkorson@charter.net

River Valley Muzzle Loaders

Shoots 4th Sunday monthly, Beth Chubb, 1803 E. Warren Woods Rd., Buchanan, MI 49107, 269-695-3336 

Sauk Trail Long Rifles

Shoots at Tecumseh, MI 2nd Sunday each month, Dennis Conner, 13627 E Michigan Ave. Grass Lake, MI 49240, 517-522-8976

Tobacco River Muzzle Loaders

Cari Jefferon, 318 Glidden Rd, Beaverton, MI 48612, 301-256-7784, cariljefferson@aol.com. 

Washtenaw Pioneers Muzzle Loaders

Robert Elka, 9346 Oak Road, Willis, MI 48191, r.elka2008@comcast.net, www.wsclub.org


Gopher Rifle and Revolver Club



Hatchie Run Longrifles

Shoots 4th Sunday of the month, Diane Rinehart, 104 Embry Rd., Coldwater, MS 38618, 662-233-4747; dcrinehart@yahoo.com. 

Mississippi Dixie Muzzle Loaders

Shoots 1st Sunday monthly Feb. – Oct.

Walter Mabry, 1531 Plantation Blvd., Jackson, MS 39211, 601-956-7238 


Boone’s Lick Muzzleloaders

Shoots 3rd Sundays monthly March – October, Sara Schulze, 106 Julie Ct., Montgomery City, MO 63361, 573-564-3813, sararschulze @yahoo.com Fort Osage Muzzle Loaders

Shoots 2nd Sunday monthly, Novelty Shoot 4th Saturday monthly March - October, Carl J Donze, PO Box 277, 94 NE 801 Rd., Knob Noster, MO 65336, 660-563-1295 or 660-563-5132,

ArticRed@att.net, fortosagemuzzle loaders.org

J. P. Gemmer Muzzle Loading Gun Club

Located in Pacific, MO  Public shoots 3rd Sun. monthly March – November. Member matches first Sunday monthly March – December. 






MeWe Group - https://mewe.com/join/gemmermuzzleloadinggunclub

Contact Bob Vogt on MeWe mewe.com/i/bobvogt

Missouri Black Powder Society


Monett Rifle Club

Lonnie Vermillion, 918-408-0465,

MO Ozark Muzzle Loaders

Shoots 2nd Sunday monthly, Barry Steele, 279 Pleasant View Dr., Sunrise Beach, MO 65079, 573-200-9559 

Strother Freetrappers

Shoots 1st Sunday monthly, Rendezvous 1st Sunday in April and October, Les Whiteside, 506 W Ash, Archie, MO 64725, 816-392-0928, LesWhiteside@aol.com 

Trappers of Starved Rock

Shoots 3rd Sunday monthly, Tom Stovall 6428 Kathy Dr. High Ridge, MO 63049, 636-376-4706, tomtrapper@yahoo.com, trappersofstarvedrock.com


Ft. Atkinson Muzzleloaders

Shoots 3rd Sunday monthly; Fall Shoot in October, Greta Schlabs, 11525 Old Mill Dr., Blair, NE 68008, 402-533-8389,grlherman@ abbnebraska.com, ftatkinsonmuzzle loaders.com


Lakes Crossing Muzzleloaders

Shoots 3rd Sunday monthly, Aubrey Campbell, 8011 Sand Pebble Dr., Reno, NV 89506; acinsac@sbcglobal, lakescrossing muzzleloaders.org 


Garden State Blackpowder Assoc.

Shoots Last Sunday of every month , Jeff Dolan fireinsp41@hotmail.com, 845-500-0922


Alabama Hunt Club

Shoots 1st Sunday monthly, Sue Smith, 4777 East Rd., Batavia, NY 14020, 585-343-7620; bsss3@rochester.rr.com, alabamahuntclub.com 

Land of the Senecas

Meat Shoots 1st Sunday of May and 1st Sunday of October, Rendezvous 1st weekend of August, Chuck Plant PO Box 282 Odessa, NY 14869, 607-387-6987, jp85@cornell.edu

Lock Stock & Barrel

Ted Wyskida, 5785 Innsbruck Rd., E. Syracuse, NY 13057, 315-656-0177 

Old Saratoga Muzzle Loading Club

Tara Manzer, PO Box 204, Mechanicville, NY 12118, 518-664-3713, osmlcsecretary@gmail.com

St. Lawrence Longrifles

Barry Dietlein, 1047 Maple Ridge Road, Brasher Falls, NY 13613, 315-769-2095, barryd@twcny.rr.com


Crosse Creek Rifle & Pistol Club, Inc.

Shoots 2nd Saturday monthly, Buck Buchanan, 1798 Potomac Road, Fayetteville, NC 28304, 910-977-6200, buck100-10x@nc.rr.com, www.crossecreekrifleandpistolclub.com 

French Broad Rifles Inc.

Shoot Dates 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month, Robert Rolfe 15 Glenway Dr Asheville, NC 28804, 828-620-1253, frenchbroadriflesinc@gmail.com, www.frenchbroadrifles.com

Lafayette Longrifles

Shoots 4th Saturday monthly except December Fuquay-Varina, NC Lance Butler, 336-912-1992, lbutlerjr@triad.rr.com

North Carolina State Muzzleloading 

Rifle Association

Tom Como, 3520 Catlett Farm Road, Wake Forest, NC 27587, 919-830-3678, beaverdamforge @aol.com, www.ncflintlock.wix.com 

Yadkin Valley Long Rifles

Shoots 3rd Saturday monthly except January, Greg Williams, 704-589-6125, gwill6125@gmail.com 

White Oak River Longrifles

Shoots 3rd Saturday monthly at Register Sutton Rd., Delway, NC, Debbie Futral, 103 Kennedy Circle, Hubert, NC 28539, 910-545-9443, dfutral@hotmail.com 


Bill Moose Muzzleloading Gun Club

8821 Greensway Ave Darbyville, OH 43146, billmoosegunclub@gmail.com, 740-954-0151, www.billmoose.com 

Black Swamp MuzzleLoaders

Shoots 1st Sunday every month. Bill Bare, 6520 TR 83, Findlay, OH 45840, 419-859-2020 

Blue Jacket Muzzle Loaders

2021 Shoot Dates April 10-11, June 5-6, Aug. 14-15, Oct. 16-17  Saturdays OTL 9:30am, Sundays Table 9:30am Xenia, OH Contact Tom Swigart 937-603-3830 

Butler County Sportsmen Club

Shoots 1st Sunday monthly March - December, Ronald E. Benge, 1910 Layhigh Rd., Hamilton, OH 45013, 513-738-1199, ronbenge@zoom, town.com, butlercountysportsmen.com 

Canal Fulton Ramrod Club

Shoots 1st and 3rd Sundays monthly, pistol shoot 4th Sunday Oct-April, Howard Heitger, 330-854-4331, cfrc1812@gmail.com, club address: 5614 Erie Ave NW Canal Fulton, OH 44614

Cincinnati Muzzle Loading Rifle Club

Jan. 31st, Feb 28th, March 21st, April 25, May 29th (Pistol Shoot), May 30th, June 27th, July 25th, Aug. 29th, Sept. 26th, Oct. 31st (Woodswalk), Nov. 14th, Dec. 26th.  All shoots unless otherwise noted are shot offhand at 25-50 yds and are open to non-members. Range location 12080 Lick Road Cincinnati, OH 45251. For more info, contact Robin Bonaventura 513-284-5239 or flintlockrb@yahoo.com  

Facebook – Cincinnati Muzzle Loading Rifle Club

Columbus Muzzleloading Gun Club

Shoots – January 1, 2021, Art McCall, 5487 London Groveport Rd, Grove City, OH 43123, 614-582-7448, cmlgc1@gmail.com, sites.google.com/site/cmlgc1

Dayton Muzzleloading Gun Club

Shoots 1st Sunday monthly Stacy Diaz, 7770 Agenbroad Rd. New Carlisle, OH 45344, 937-405-3798, DMLGC2018@gmail.com

Deathwind Longrifles 

Facebook page- Deathwind Longrifles for details and contact info

Erie Wyandott Muzzleloader Club

Shoots 4th Sunday monthly May through Oct.

Dennis Depner, 1616 W. Fremont Rd., Port Clinton, OH 43452, 419-734-2429; dnd@cros.net 

Fort Greene Ville Muzzle Loaders

Shoots 3rd Sunday monthly except December, check website for updates. Andrew Kenworthy, 1965 W U.S. Rt. 36 W, Greenville, OH 45331, 937-548-0016,

Ft. McArthur Longrifles

Shoots 2nd Sunday monthly. Jeff Pell, 5464 CH 107, Upper Sandusky, OH 43351, 419-209-0141; jpbullet50cal@yahoo.com 

Kill um Buck Longrifles

Shoots 1st Sunday monthly Feb. to Dec.

Angi Frantz, 147 Stratford Ave., Wadsworth, OH 44281, 330-294-7211, afrantz327@gmail.com 

Light Road Muzzle Loaders

Shoots 1st Saturday monthly, except on Holidays shoots will be the following Saturday.  No shoot Jan. and Feb.  New Weston, OH

Max Muhlenkamp 260-335-2897, pequannah.m.l.sec@gmail.com

Mansfield Muzzle Loader Rifle Club

Richard Clady 419-565-2937, dickclady@gmail.com

Miami Black Powder Cartridge Rifle Club

Shoots 2nd Sunday monthly, Gregg Slepicka, 937-241-8082, plinkr4065@aol.com

New Frontiersmen Muzzle Loading Club

Shoots 3rd Sunday of each month January-NovemberDave Moore 4095 Faulk Rd Ashland, OH 44805 419-589-4843, dtm@zoominternet.net, www.acwcl.org

Ohio Valley Muzzle Loading Gun Club 

ovmlgc@gmail.com, www.OVMLGC.com

Pokagon Longrifles Inc. 

Shoots 3rd Sunday March-October, Tim Frederick 502 South St. #23, Dupont, OH 45837, 260-316-0169, tfrederick69@hotmail.com
Salem Hunting Club Muzzleloaders

Winter shoot, 1st Tuesday, December-April. Summer shoot, 2nd Sunday May – September, Turkey shoot, October. Steven G. Stull, 10592 Whippoorwill Rd., Diamond, OH 44412, 330-654-2989
Sandusky County Hawkeyes

Shoots 1st Sunday monthly, Steve Wright, 1433 CR 31, Fremont, OH 43420, 419-680-5442, savedwright1@gmail.com 

Seneca Muzzleloaders 

Call for shoot dates, Rob Gerding 526 Madison St. Port Clinton, OH. 43452, 419-341-8657, robbob@hush.com or senecamuzzleloaders@cros.net

Shawnee Long Rifles

Shoots 4th Sun. monthly except Dec., Jan. & Feb., January 1st Shoot, Turkey Shoot Sunday before Thanksgiving. Aaron Moeller, 6760 Fleetfoot Rd Celina, OH 45822, 41-953-2872, aaronmoeller@gmail.com

Simon Kenton Long Rifles

Shoots 3rd Sunday monthly, Bret Huggard, 937-231-5709, bret.huggard@gmail.com

Sons of Liberty 

Norman Garringer, 4662 Biers Run Rd., Chillicothe, OH 45601, 740-773-3891, normanga@roadrunner.com 

Southern Ohio Dog & Game 

Protective Assoc.

10630 East Miami River Rd. Cincinnati, OH. 45252

Toledo Muzzle Loaders

Shoots 2nd Sunday monthly except May

Robert Fox, 615 Sibley Rd, Toledo, OH 43615, 419-704-3605, rcfox1962@sbcglobal.net. 

Wolf Creek Capsnappers

Shoots 4th Sunday monthly May – November except holiday weekends, Lars Lutton – 386-847-4653; Ryan Armstrong740-336-1938, 7220 Thomas Rd., Chesterhill, OH 43728, lutton@ohio.edu 


Longrifles of the Canadian

Shoots monthly-call for dates, Ron Doggett, 4031 NW 34th, Oklahoma City, OK 73112, 405-404-5764, www.military.okcgunclub.org/m/muzz.html

Osage Territory Muzzleloaders

Shoots at various dates, Ruth Kilgore PO Box 488 Meeker, OK 74855, 405-301-7427

The Cross Timbers Primitive Society

Shoots last Sunday monthly, Neil Keyes 557 Locust Grove Dr. Blanchard, OK 73101, 405-485-4672, 405-414-5387, neilpat51ok@gmail.com


Grizzly Mountain Long Rifles

Shoots 2nd Sunday of each month

Ted Hartman, 4377 NW Canal Blvd #1, Redmond, OR 97756, 541-788-2122, saddler@iglide.net 


Altoona Rifle and Pistol Club

Tim Bottenfield, 546 Pistol Club Rd., Altoona, PA 16601, 814-937-1036, tabdi@atlanticbb.net 

Blue Mountain Muzzleloading 

Rifle Assoc.

Various Shoots – call for info. Michael Wengert, 5116 Old Route 27, Hamburg, PA 19526, 610-488-1608 

Blue Ridge Rifles, Inc.

Call for shoot information, Cathy Bates, 1605 W Main St., Trappe, PA 19426, 610-489-3878, BRRifles@gmail.com 

Dogg Clan Muzzle Loaders

Shoots 3rd Sunday monthly April – November

Rendezvous 3rd Sunday weekend of October

James P. Montgomery, 5453 Bye Rd., East Palestine, OH 44413, 330-886-0133

First Frontier Militia

Dave Algard 525 Club Rd. Palmerton, PA 18071, 610-760-8333, ealgard5@gmail.com

Forest Grove Black Powder Rifle Men

Shoots 3rd Sunday monthly 11am-4pm Woodswalk course; Michael Karkalla, 2158 Fairhill Rd, Sewickley, PA 15143, 412-877-5626, mike@thomsonproperties.net, www.forestgrovesportsmen.com 

Fort Erie Muzzleloaders

Shoots May-August 2nd Wednesday at 7:00pm, Sept.-April 2nd Sunday at 2:00pm, Erie Co. Sportsmen’s League Range 1419 Drake Dr. Erie, PA 16505, Ed Schneider 814-833-3869, egschneider@roadrunner.com

Ft. McCord Militia

Bryan Forrester 521 N Washington St Greencastle, PA 17225 717-261-7092, bf521@comcast.net, www.stthomassportsmen.com 

Garland Ridge Runners Muzzleloader Club, Inc.

Shoots last Sunday in Months Jan- October 10 am. Bonnie Curry, 814-688-4021

Independent Mountain Men Living History Society, Inc.

Nick Demartini PO Box 841 Saxonburg, PA 16056, 724-586-7267, ndemartini@hotmail.com

Lancaster Muzzle Loading Rifle Assoc. 

731 Mt. Vernon Rd. Gap. PA. 17527; Dave Thornton, 717-405-1162, LMLRASec@ptd.net

Marriottsville Muzzleloader, Inc. 

Tim Frank, 106 Hershey Circle, Stewartstown, PA. 17363, www.mmlblackpowder.com, secretary@mmlblackpowder.com, 717-993-2077

Old Westmoreland Rifles

Darryl Myers, 724-533-1729, John Kaminsky, 724-887-7265, Duane King 724-850-7305

Pennsylvania Federation of 

Black Powder Shooters, Inc.

Vickie Shaffer, 1820 Harlansburg Rd New Castle, PA 16101, 724-714-3181, www.pfbps.com 

Powder Patch and Ball

Shoots 4th Sunday every month, Terry Steiner 412 Coal Valley Rd, Clairton, PA 15025, 412-302-9139, serviceryfle@comcast.net, 


She She Quin Buckskinners

Shoots 2nd Sun. monthly. Martha Spring, 75 Sportman Club Lane, Trout Run, PA. 17771, 570-326-4713; fmspring@comcast.net 

Southern Chester County

Shoots 2nd Saturday each month through December. Andrew B. Gregg, 584 Salem Church Rd, Newark, DE. 19702, 302-388-8695, buchanan1961@gmail.com, www.sccsfa.org  

Sportsmen’s & Farmer’s Assoc

Quarterly matches. Andrew Gregg, 720 Sportsmans Lane, Kennett Square, PA 19348, 302-588-8695, blackpowder@sccsfa.org 

Upper Allegheny Muzzleloaders

Monthly shoots April-Nov (call for deviations). All shoots start a 1pm (not including 3 day shoot in May) Eric Hewitt, 3864 Lawson Rd. Jamestown, NY 14701, 716-488-1992 

Washington County Buckskinners

Blanket Shoots 2nd Sunday monthly 

Roy E. Scott, 304 Buckels Ave., Houston, PA 15342, 724-745-8402, REScott1743@comcast.net 

Western States Muzzle Loaders Association

Ken Laverty, 5440 Agostino Court, Concord, CA 94521, 925-672-7088, klaverty@astound.net, www.wsmla.org 

Whispering Pines Cap & Flint Club

Shoots 3rd Sunday monthly. Della Bennet, 9986 Apt. 3 Coryland Rd. Millerton, PA.16936, 570-537-2398, 



Tiveron Rod & Gun Club

Michael Von Villas #15  Carole Dr Tiventon, RI 02878, 401-624-1346, mvon60@cox.net 


Carolina PO Boy Muzzleloaders

Shoots 2nd Sunday monthly except in May which is 1st Sunday. Bobby Parris, 1171 County Line Rd., Harlem, GA 30814, 706-556-6102 

Charles Towne Long Rifles

Shoots last Sun. monthly except Nov. and Dec. which is 3rd Sun.. Tom Smith, 140 Tall Pines Rd Ladsen, SC 29456, 843-834-2731, amreb@bellsouth.net;  charlestownelong rifles.blogspot.com 

Piedmont Muzzleloaders, Inc.

Shoots 3rd Sun. monthly; Walter Gerald 201 Randy Dr Taylors, SC 29687, wcgerald@gmail.com


Muzzle Loaders of the Black Hills

Shoots 3rd Sunday monthly April through September. Rocky Schmelz, PO Box 3055, Rapid City, SD 57709-3055, 605-430-5540; ramrodrock@msn.com 

Split Rock Muzzle Loading Clan

Shoots 2nd Sunday monthly April through Oct. Lynn Aspaas, 4500 Pin Oak Court, Sioux Falls, SD 57103, 605-335-4023, aspaasbl@gmail.com ramrodrock@msn.com 


Chattanooga Rifle Club Rangers

Shoots 4th Sat. of month Feb. through Nov. except July. Charles Sedgwick, 7636 Lenox Trace Drive, Hixson, TN 37343, 423-842-7287; csedg@epbfi.com 

Chilhowee Rod & Gun Club 

John Mankin 114 Co Rd 7001 Athens, TN 37303, 423-462-4802, jmankin@comcast.net, chilhoweerodandgunclub.com

Elk River Long Rifles

Shoots 2nd Saturday monthly. Beckie Henderson,  900 Bragg Circle, Tullahoma, TN 37388, 931-455-3904 

Possum Branch Backwoodsmen

Shoots 3rd Sunday monthly February-September; Shoots 2nd Weekend in October

Goober Edison, 615-405-1823; Jack Jones, 3347 N. Mt. Pleasant Rd., Greenbrier, TN 37073, 615-948-6284, jbj3346@aol.com 

Tennessee Longhunters

Shoots August, October & December

Carl Crane 1104 Shannon Lane Franklin, TN 34064, 615-790-9211 OR 615-224-2107, carlylej@comcast.net; 


The South Central Middle East 

Tennessee Long Rifles

Shoot dates 3rd Saturday, Dean Simpson, tnnappy66@gmail.com

The Widowmakers

Shoots vary please call, Jesse Rejko, 7210 White Oak Rd Stewart, TN 37175, 317-716-6697, deerstandalone@1791.com; www.thewidowmakers7.com


Alamo Muzzle Loading Gun Club

Shoots first Sunday monthly Gary Quandt 3206 Yorktown drive, San Antonio, TX 78230 210-248-8182 gquandt2000@yahoo.com

Dallas Muzzle Loading Gun Club

Shoots 2nd Sunday monthly except May

Frank B. Sweeney, 9204 Heatherdale Dr. Dallas, TX. 75243, 214-341-9421, franksweeney1@att.net 

Greenwood Longrifles

Shoots 1st Sat. monthly . Ken Springs, 341 North Shanks, Clute, TX 77531, 979-239-8372, kennethsprings@sbcglobal.net 

Red River Renegades

Shotgun Shoots 2nd Sunday monthly

Turkey Shoot last weekend of Oct. – Sat. and Sun.  Rifle/Pistol Shoots Last Sunday monthly

Jim or Patty Lawrence, 4936 So. Lake Park Dr., Wichita Falls, TX , 940-636-1226, tworendegades@att.net 

Texas Muzzle Loading Rifle Association

Frost on the Cactus  March 12,13,14, 2021 June Championship  June 8-13, 2021 

Fall Prize Shoot  Sept 30. Oct 1, 2, 3, 2021

Andy Larson, 281-486-7166, andylarson@juno.com, tmlrassociation.com

Mountain Men of the Wasatch

Shoots 2nd Sunday and Last Saturday monthly Lew Panopulos 801-889-5055


Bayley-Hazen Muzzleloaders

Shoot last Sat. monthly March through October Bob Lindemann, 266 Turner Rd, Moretown, VT 05660, 802-229-2062, rlindemann@pshift.com

Lamoille Valley Fish & Game Club

Harland Blodgett, 22 Poker Hill Rd., Underhill, VT 05489, 802-899-3889; hfblodgett@ yahoo.com 


Bull Run Muzzleloaders

Shoots 3rd Sunday monthly, Rich Burkhart, 480 Friendship Rd, Friendship, MD 20758, rich.burkhart@gmail.com

James River Black Powder Club

Various Shoots – call for info. Susan Martins, 1156 Sunken Meadow Rd, Spring Grove, VA 23881; 757-866-8389 

Riflemen of Wynne’s Falls

David Clark, 511 Beechtree Ct, Danville, VA 24540, 434-836-5652, dnbclark@verizon.net 

The Shenandoah Longrifles

Various Shoots – call for info. Hollie Blankemeyer, 2942 Oak Crest Ave, Roanoke, VA 24015; 540-797-6265; slrscribe@yahoo.com, shenandoahlong rifles.com 

Wilderness Road Muzzleloaders

Shoots 2nd Saturday every month April-Nov. (weather permitting), Jim Hartlage 485 Lakeview Dr. Wytheville, VA 24382, 276-228-4635, jimhartlage@gmail.com, www.wildernessroadmuzzleloaders.com 

Witten Fort Long Rifles

Shoots 2nd Saturday every month April - November. Luke Chambers, 433 Ruble Hill Rd, Bluefield, VA 24605, 276-245-9390, lukechambers1210@gmail.com


Cascade Mountain Men

3rd Sunday of each month. Steve A. Baima, 13025 SE Newport Way, Vellevue, WA 98006, percman48@comcast.net 

Interlake Mountain Men

Shoot dates are 3rd Saturday of each month rain/shine/snow meeting starts at 9am shooting starts at 10am. Karl “Ochnee” Marcoux, 1633 NE 97th St Redmond, WA, 206-473-1833, knmarcoux@msn.com

Spokane Falls Muzzle Loaders

Shoot 2nd Sun. monthly. Jack Dolan, 25902 W. Hallett Rd., Medical Lake, WA 99022, 509-389-8481, lonepine40@aim.com 


Appalchian Rangers Muzzleloading Club

Shoots 2nd Sunday of every month Feb. – Oct. Jennie Shaffer, 404 Powell Ave, Stonewood, WV, 26301, 304-624-8891, shafferj1966@hotmail.com 

Kate Carpenter Muzzleloaders

Shoots 3rd Saturday monthly January through September, Trap shoot at every match. Willie Perkins, 798 Gray Gable Rd., Crawley, WV 24931, 304-646-0836, wdp1902@yahoo.com 

Mountaineer Flintlock Rifles, Inc.

Shoots 2nd Saturday monthly. Primitive Shoots 1st Saturday monthly. Turkey Shoot 2nd Saturday in November. David R. Pennington, 12 Morgan Court, Hurricane, WV 25526, 304-543-5223, drpennington3@gmail.com 

Tygart Valley Muzzleloaders

2021 Club Shoots 2nd Sunday monthly March-Sept. at 1:30pm.  Special shoots Apr 3rd, May 14-16th, July 3rd, July 24th, Aug 21st, Sept. 4th, Sept. 12th, Oct. 3rd.  Special shoots start at 11am and are flint or percussion open sights round patch ball only.  Contact Gary Tingler 304-704-5892, Facebook – Tygart Valley Muzzleloading Association

West Virginia Muzzleloader Association

Shannon Lewis, 525 Bailey Ridge Road, Buckhannon, WV 26201, 304-613-5045, shannon0569@yahoo.com, wvmla.com  


Beloit Rifle Club, Inc.

Shoots 3rd Sunday monthly. Harley J Whitt, 1908 Forest Ave., Beloit, WI 53511, 608-921-1542, beloitrifleclub.org 

Fox Valley Muzzle Loaders

Most shoots begin at 9:30 AM; Brian Bradley, 4330 County Rd. S. Oshkosh, WI. 54904 – bcbradley48@gmail.com, 920-233-5332, www.foxvalleymuzzleloaders.com

Ft. Oneida M.L., Inc.

Shoot 2nd Sun. monthly. Todd Meyers, 2347 Conifer Ct., Suamico, WI 54313, 920-609-3287

Rock River Buckskinners Inc.

Charlie Brown 8131 N Oak Ridge Dr Milton, WI 53563, 608-868-2514, brownc@centurytel.net

Smoky Hollow Muzzle Loaders

Shoots 1st Sun. monthly

Bob Kuester 262-626-4549, rbrtkuester@hotmail.com

Wisconsin Muzzle Loading Association

Various Shoots – call for info. Charlie Brown, 8131 N. Oak Ridge Dr., Milton, WI 53563, 608-868-2514, brownc@centurytel.net 


Yellowstone Flint & Cap Club, Inc.

Vicki Tollakson, PO Box 3, Argyle, WI 53504; nvet@centurytel.net.


Big Horn Basin Muzzleloaders

Shoot 1st Sun. monthly. Jim Hanchett, 590 Lane 9, Powell, WY 82435, 307-754-4219, jhanchett@directairnet.com 

Sierra Madre Muzzle Loading Rifle Club (SMMLRC)

Crystal Gillen 307-329-6968, smmlrc@gmail.com

Wind River Muzzleloaders Association

Monthly shoots 2nd Sunday each month at 11am.  Terry Hubenka 844 Hancock Dr. Lander, WY 82520, 307-330-7846, moparrabbit@gmail.com, facebook – Wind River Muzzleloaders Association

Wyoming State Muzzleloaders Association

Paula Sorter PO Box 50441 Casper, WY 82605, 307-333-2709, paulasorter@yahoo.com


Trails End Muzzleloaders

David Arnold, 10635 Pioneer Line, Chatham, ON Canada N7M 5J2, 519-354-9892,workingcowboyleather@gmail.com, workingcowboyleather.com –linktotrailsend