2022 Postal Match Scores — The NMLRA

2022 NMLRA National Postal Match

National Pistol Winners

1st       Brian Rowell    198-3X

2nd       Arthur McCall           197-3X

3rd      John Nagazyna            191

National Rifle Winners

1st      Jim Burnett 134-2X.

2nd      Brian Rowell 130-2X.

3rd      James Rike 128-1X

Regional Winners


Region 1: Brian Rowell 198-2X, Bradford Marshall 130-1X.

Region 2: Randol George 186-1X.                                         

Region 3: Paul H Eaton 139, William M Chadwick, Jr. 69.

Region 4: Arthur McCall 197-3X, Jacob Rader 159-1X.

Region 5: Larry Cihacek 142-1X, Paul Kindamo 142.

Region 6: No Entries.

Region 7: John Nagazyna 191.

Region 8: William Sathe 85.

Region 9: Danny Ball 178, Tom Wilder 79.


Region 1: Brian Powell 130-2X, James Rike 128-1X, Bradford Marshall 100, John Urcello 68-1X.  

Region 2: Joseph Gingrich 86, Randol George 80-1X, Matthew McDonald 64-1X, Jim Budd 49.

Region 3: Jim Burnett 134-2X, Debbie Nicholas 71, G. Mark Goostree 59, Ronald Turner 50.

Region 4: David Krier 106-2X, Jacob Rader 106-1X, Dennis Damphinais 26, Scott Ballentine 24.

Region 5: Leonard Cihacek 78-1X.

Region 6: No Entries.

Region 7: Mike McGuire 75.

Region 8: William Sathe 72.

Region 9: Danny Ball 103, Tom Wilder 60.

The 2022 NMLRA Postal Matches had a total of 80 entries. Total Rifle entries 51, returned 21. Pistol entries 29, returned 13.