2023 Muzzle Blasts Magazines — The NMLRA

2023 Muzzle Blasts Magazines

January 2023 MB 2_01.jpg
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April 2023 Cover.jpg
May 2023 Cover.jpg
June 2023 Cover.jpg
August 23 Cover.jpg
September 2023 Breese Pages_01.jpg
November 23 Cover.jpg

2023 Muzzle Blasts Magazines


Interested in trying Muzzle Blasts but not ready for a 12 magazine commitment? No problem! We now offer single issues in our store!

Muzzle Blasts is your membership magazine included in the annual membership fee
of $50. Material content of the publication relates only to the muzzleloading guns,
accoutrements, and historical data of that particular era. Because of the diversified
approach to muzzleloading guns, Muzzle Blasts is not responsible for opinions expressed
by its writers, and is not responsible for mishaps of any nature that might occur from use
of published data or from recommendations by any member of the staff.
Advertising appearing in this magazine relates to the muzzleloading era and appears purely on a
non-endorsement basis by either the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Assn. or Muzzle Blasts.
The Muzzle Blasts editor has the right to refuse advertising for any reason whatsoever.
For information on submitting articles, advertising rates, magazine mechanicals, and so forth, send for
free brochure to NMLRA, P.O. Box 67, Friendship, IN 47021, or call (812) 667-5131.
Membership fees are explained on the Association Affairs pages in this issue; $50 is the one-year membership
fee for 2023.
2023 Copyright © National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association, Friendship, Indiana, 47021 USA.

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