Nominating for the Riffle Shooters Hall of Fame — The NMLRA

Black Powder Hall of Fame Inductee Requirements

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All entries into the RSHoF shall be determined by rifle competitor’s shooting performances during National Championship Shoots.

Entries whose shooting careers began after 1982 shall be determined by the following point system: Male shooters shall be required to earn a minimum of 100 points; Female shooters shall be required to earn a minimum of 50 points.

Points are earned as follows: Championship Winner = 3 points, Championship second place = 2 points, Championship third place = 1 point.

All points must be earned in individual adult competition.

  Points earned from offhand rifle competition shall be earned only from the highest class (however this rule was changed to reflect placing in the Championships regardless of classification since that is the way places in those Championships is determined). 

Territorial aggregates and Offhand Classification Aggregate (CA) shall not be eligible to earn RSHoF points.

Early rifle shooters whose careers concluded before 1983 or extended into the post 1983 years shall require fewer points for entry into the RSHoF.

The Rifle Committee shall continue research to determine additional entries into the NMLRA RSHoF.


This page will be updated annually after the completion of the National Championship matches which are held in September.

National Championship Aggregates that earn RSHoF points are the following:

Crosley Match (Shoot-off only, Winner = 3 pts., 2nd Place = 2 points, 3rd Place = 1 point, 4th Place = 1 point, 5th Place = 1 point)

Qualifying National Championship Aggregates

Crosley Match (Shoot-off only, Winner = 3 pts., 2nd Place = 2 points, 3rd Place = 1 point, 4th Place = 1 point, 5th Place = 1 point)

Aggregate A Unlimited Rifle Championship

Aggregate B Women’s Rifle Championship

Aggregate C Flintlock Bench Championship

Aggregate D Musket Championship

Aggregate E Flintlock Championship

Aggregate F Flintlock Offhand Championship

Aggregate H 25 Yard Offhand Championship

Aggregate I Long Range Slug Gun Championship

Aggregate J Phil Orem Memorial Slug Gun Championship

Aggregate K Women’s Offhand Championship

Aggregate L 100 Yard Bench Championship

Aggregate M Roundball Bench Championship

Aggregate N Women’s Buffalo Championship

Aggregate O Traditional Offhand Hunting Rifle Championship

Aggregate R Susan Johnston Memorial Championship

Aggregate S 60 and Over Offhand Championship

Aggregate U Charlie Haffner Hunting Championship

Aggregate WU Women’s Charlie Haffner Hunting Championship

Aggregate V Round Ball Bench Any Sight Championship

Aggregate X Don Davis Memorial Buffalo Championship

Aggregate Y Smoothbore Championship

Aggregate Z Unlimited Longhunter Championship

Aggregate BB Traditional Offhand Flint Hunting Rifle Championship

Aggregate CC Women’s Bench Championship

Aggregate DD Tom Schiffer Schuetzen Championship

Aggregate FF Offhand Championship

Aggregate GG Any Metallic Sight Offhand Championship

Aggregate II Lee Good Memprial Chunk Gun Championship

Aggregate JJ Sighted Smoothbore Championship

Aggregate KK One Gun Championship

Aggregate LL Traditional Offhand Hunting Rifle Non-Jacketed Championship

Aggregate MM Traditional Offhand Flint Hunting Rifle Non-Jacketed Championship

Aggregate OO Long Range Silhouette Championship

Aggregate RR Flint Buffalo Championship

Aggregate SS Light Bench Championship

Aggregate UU 70 and Over Clark Frazier Offhand Championship

Aggregate VV Women’s Offhand Championship

Aggregate XX A.W. Coon Super Chunk Championship

Aggregate LR Long Range Grand Championship

Aggregate RB Running Bore Championship

Aggregate IH Inline Hunter Championship

Aggregate TS Paul Griffith Memorial Table Shoot Championship